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Minor in Landscape Architecture

The discipline of landscape architecture thrives in diversity, embracing the nuances and complexities of physical, biological, and climatological systems. The Minor in Landscape Architecture introduces foundational aspects of the practice and scholarship of the built environment.

Open to all WashU students, this 15-credit course of study explores a range of design scales, from the urban environment to the garden, with a focus on public space, infrastructure, and new and old media. Students are introduced to how the design of landscape affects the social, cultural, and ecological dimensions of the world. History and theory courses complement work in science and the arts, equipping students with the tools, knowledge, and innovative skills to enrich any major.


Students take 3 units of Design Methods, 3 units of Landscape History, and 3 units of Ecology, along with at least 6 units of landscape architecture electives (which may also draw from courses in environmental studies).

Recent electives have included the courses Videography for Designers; Emergence in Landscape Architecture; The Unruly City; Integrated Planting Design; Landscape Technology; Critical Spatial Practice; and Trees, Soils, & Systems: Intro to Arboriculture.