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Dee Cea

Dee Cea is a Chilean-American illustrator and story artist from Memphis, Tennessee with a BFA in Communication Design from the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts. Dee has been a long time lover of fantasy and magical realism and is always on the hunt to expand their graphic novel and audio drama library. They will always have a recommendation handy. Fantasy and mythology often find their way into Dee’s work, especially with regards to exploring queer and intersectional identities through a metaphorical lens. Much of their narrative and comic work revolves around trying to find the right “words” for non-linear human emotion, while also consisting of the simple joy of drawing silly creatures and organic lines. Sometimes a werewolf is the anxiety of one’s innermost desires being exposed. Sometimes a werewolf is a fun monster to doodle on scrap paper. Other themes that currently have Dee’s attention include repetition, consumption, gender expression, story retellings, and repetition. They do not like asparagus.

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