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Nina Katchadourian

Whisker Prints

Nina Katchadourian created a suite of rich, witty, and unique monotypes in February 2013 using cat whiskers as drawing stencils. Using tweezers, she placed individual whiskers from the collection of cat whiskers she brought to Island Press on a whim, onto plates inked with flat color. She began with the idea of the fifties-era Al Capp cartoon character Shmoo who had whiskers and looked a bit like a seal. The series developed into a collection of fictitious sea creatures.

While in residence in 2013, Katchadourian also created a suite of etchings called Window Seat Suprematism as part of her larger Seat Assignment project.

About the artist

Nina Katchadourian is an American interdisciplinary artist and educator. She works with photography, sculpture, video, and sound—often in playful ways.

Editions from this project