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Diana Guerrero-Maciá

The Beautiful Girls

Diana Guerrero-­Maciá served as the Arthur L. and Sheila Prensky Island Press Visiting Artist in March 2017. She developed four prints during her one-week residency, working alongside master printer Tom Reed and Sam Fox School students.

Guerrero-Maciá’s suite of prints coincides with a larger body of work titled The Other Ones, reflecting on critical concerns about race and bodies using hybrid references of otherness. The prints also nod to the important influence of collage artist Hannah Hoch. Guerrero-Maciá cites Hoch’s series From an Ethnographic Museum and specifically the 1920 collage The Beautiful Girl—the titular subject of this suite of prints.

About the artist

Diana Guerrero-Maciá is known for her hybrid or “unpainted paintings"—work fabric cutwork, collage, stitching and dye that challenge boundaries between "high” art and craft.

Editions from this project